
Poor customer service

I've been experienced indeed a poor service, perhaps the worst in my life, today (Sunday), from GCS Queensbay Mall.

I attempted to get ticket for this coming Wednesday's show from the counter. Unexpectedly, I was being told by an Indian lady (forgot to ask for the name) that "Only Monday!". Yes, she only replied TWO words.

The movie is no longer shown in Wed?? I was really confused and trying to ask again. The Indian lady was so impatient and said, "Only can buy 2 days in advance!". After that, she turned to her colleague, continue talking and laughing. What about me then? I was shocked and left unattended.

At this time, another Malay lady came to my counter. Then, the Indian lady immediately stop gossiping and reported my situation to her. Fine, the Malay lady replied the same thing.

"But I remembered that once ago I've done the same thing for the movie 'Ice Age 3' too?"

"No! we never allow this!"

To clear my doubt, I was asking further, "Ok, so is this rule applied to E-payment Ticketing as well? Doesn't it we can purchase ticket online at anytime?".

I've yet to be completed my sentence and the Malay lady just can't wait to comment by raising up her tone, impolitely -- "Then you can just buy online la! For me, I cannot la!"

This is the answer that definitely unacceptable! There is no queue right behind me. Why am I seem to be not allowed to ask for more questions? Ok, I felt my customer's right was severely being challenged.

Without any hesitation, I showed my dissatisfaction:"I am so disappointed with your service! I do not expect to have this kind of answer!"

"Then what you expect? I already said NO!"

"No, this is not the customer service that you should practice! Who is the person in-charge?" Why can't you speak gently and politely?

And, a fainted answer came from her:" Is me! I am the only person in charge today!"

That's even worse! How could a team lead behave so rude to a poor, nonsense customer (me la!)?

"Ok, then just let me know how can I make a complain? What is your stuff ID?"

"Through our website. But we have no stuff ID!"

"Ok, then what is your name?"


"Ok, is it S-x-x-x-x-x?" (I know it sounds a bit stupid, but I just want to confirm)

"There is only one Sxxxxx here!"

"Ok, thanks!" (Why was I still saying thank to her??)

What's next? Of course, I've submitted an immediate member feedback through GSC website once I reached home.

It is not a matter of the so-called "2 days in advance" policy. I am absolutely respect the policy and that's why I hope to gain respect in return.
Of course, I am not trying to pursue for super professional customer service too. To be fair, some of the counters are still having good services (limited, though). And I know it is rather hard to find a good service in Malaysia (poor Malaysian) especially when the crowd has turned the cashier/receptionist into frustration.

What make me so "beh suak" (in hokkien) is -- I am a customer, I pay for FUN, for GOOD SERVICE, but not for INSULT and RUDE SERVICE. If that is the case, I would simply pull back my money, and say -- BYE BYE!

4 条评论:

  1. Good. Complain.

    But customer service is a hard job. I can testify to that.....

  2. I worked in GSC before ...
    Rule #1 : Customer is always right
    Rule #2 : Customer is always right
    seems like not everyone is practicing these rules anymore ... so ..complain her kao kao .. she will definitely kena kao kao ...

  3. Wilson, should send you to train them again :-p

  4. That's what "monopoly" does to penang cinemas.

    Sad =(
